Wytwórnia Sprzętu Komunikacyjnego „PZL-KALISZ S.A. is a company with a long tradition. The origins of the production plant date back to 1941, when the Germans started erecting the “Zollern – WerkeWeserFlug” buildings complex for industrial use. After World War II, in 1946 the manufacture was nationalised, and its name changed into National Car Plant. The new name reflected the work profile. The plant repaired lorries and passenger cars, as well as combustion engines.
Throughout the years the plant changed its name and work profile several times:
- National Car Plant – 1946,
- Car Parts Plant – 1949,
- Kalisz Car Repairing Plant – 1951,
- Communication Equipment Factory „Delta-Kalisz” – 1952
The company got its contemporary name WSK “PZL-KALISZ” S.A. on 17th October 1996. On the basis of Article 17 of the Act of Law of 3rd February 1993 on financial restructuring of companies and banks and changes of some acts of law, the national company was commercialised, which led to creating commercial law company.
The most significant events in the history of the plant, which has changed its activity profile after joining a prestigious group of enterprises representing aviation industry:
2016 – 2020
- The beginning of cooperative works University of Technology, connected with the “OPOS” research programme aiming at development of a flat two-stroke diesel engine PZL-100 innovative construction.
- WSK „PZL-KALISZ” S.A. company joins Polish Armaments Group structure
- Development of a new ecologic piston engine PZL-200 of 200KW power
- Modernisation of ASZ 62IR engine related to development of electronically controlled fuel injection
- WSK „PZL-KALISZ” S.A company joins the group of companies having special significance for Polish national economy, operating for the purpose of country’s safety and defence.
1994 – 1996
- The beginning of international cooperation with companies specialising in aircraft engines production.
- The production launch of nine-cylinder radial engine ASz-62IR of 1000 KM power, used to power AN-2 and M-18 airplanes.
- The production launch of seven-cylinder radial engine WN-3 of 320 KM power, used to power TS-6Bie airplanes.
- The beginning of AI-14R nine-cylinder engine production of 260KM power, used to power airplanes Jak-12, Gawron and Wilga.
- Production of five-cylinder engines M-11D and M-11Fr with air cooling power of 125KM, used to power airplanes PO-2, Css-13 and Junak.