The objective of Polska Grupa Zbrojeniowa S.A. (Polish Armaments Group) is to follow high standards not only with respect to the quality of our services but also to the way business relations are managed and maintained.
We would like to consciously and reasonably build our company’s values in order to achieve excellent financial results and to offer top quality products and services. We believe that customer care and customer satisfaction present the greatest value. Our employees form a group of passionate, visionary and energetic people working for one of the largest defense concerns in this part of the world.
We are responsible for our actions and always comply with laws, regulations, standards and ethical rules applicable in the armament industry around the world. We promote fair and competitive business activity environment and pursue the rule of “zero tolerance for corruption”.
We present you the Code of Ethics of the PGZ Capital Group containing the most important international law regulations and ethical conduct standards followed in our companies.
The values included in the Code of Ethics are of key importance for our work, reputation and relations we build with our customers, employees, shareholders and local communities.
The Code comprises detailed information on how to report alleged infringements and how to receive help in case of any doubt concerning ethical standards. All disputes are settled by the Ethics Commission.
The Code of Ethics is also a platform for dialogue and cooperation with third partners, i.e. for implementation of the CSR policy. The Code of Ethics has not been developed to replace applicable law and regulations. It is a professional conduct guideline and applies all employees of the PGZ S.A. Group – irrespective of their position or scope of liability.
Our reputation and our success in the future depend on whether each of us takes responsibility for following the Code in practice. Together we can show the world that the PGZ S.A. Group is a united company sharing deeply rooted values and tradition.
Management Board
Polska Grupa Zbrojeniowa S.A.