The Final Gala of Youth Economic Mission Project took place on Monday, 2nd March 2020. Wytwórnia Sprzętu Komunikacyjnego ‘PZL-KALISZ’ S.A. took part in this event on behalf of a entrepreneur. Students’ aim was to develop a solution to a problem which concerned recruitment this year. Student’s work was continuously evaluated by the jury of the competition, including:
- Anna Korzeniewska (the founder of Talents Development Foundation in Poznań)
- Alicja Berezowska – Ożóg (HR expert, company owner)
- Zuzanna Szczudlik (Chairwoman of the Management Board of Business Incubator in Kalisz, member of a Council established by the Marshal of Wielkopolskie Voivodship)
The jury granted 4 places in the competition. The first place and the title “Business Pearls” went to “NA WAGONIK” team from the Primary School from Janków Pierwszy, including: Patrycja Wojciechowska, Klaudia Więckowska, Hubert Gulski. Jan Strapagiel, Jakub Galant and the team’s leader – Arleta Janczak were the mentors from the School of Economics in Kalisz.
We are really happy to inform that this team developed the solution for WSK ‘PZL-KALISZ” S.A. company. We congratulate the team on their commitment and great atmosphere. We hope that we are going to have a chance to meet in the future.