Project OPOS (acronym) entitled ‘Compression-ignition engine for aircraft propulsion’ realized within sector programme ‘INNOLOT – innovative aviation’, financed form funds within Action 1.2 ‘Sector Programmes B+R’ POIR.
The aim of the project is to develop innovative construction of highly charged two-stroke engine with counter-rotating pistons for aero-propulsion.
It is going to contribute to the increase of sector competitiveness through development and demonstration a new, innovative product. This engine will be characterized by lower unit weight, fuel consumption and CO2 emission in comparison to other aircraft engines, due to supercharge, lack of valve system and doubled fuel injection in central combustion chamber. These construction solutions will contribute to combustion time reduction, heat loses decrease, high efficiency. Two-stroke work, increased rpm and increased charge will cause the increase of unit power in comparison to aircraft engines used nowadays.
The final effect of the project will be a aircraft power unit demonstrator with a prototype of two-stroke compression-ignition engine with counter-rotating pistons, which will be tested under realistic conditions. Verification tests will be conducted on a test equipment based on autogyro construction. The project is consistent with product innovativeness through novelty of results of B+R works. After project completion WSK ‘PZL-KALISZ’ S.A. intends to introduce the new product, which is an engine of innovative construction, to the market.
Realization period: years 2016-2021
Project value: PLN 28 074 196,91
Subsidiary included: PLN 17 570 147,93
Contact to person who can provide competent information about the realized project:
Łukasz Stradomski
tel. 62 504 6300