Well-documented Quality Policy is WSK ‘PZL – KALISZ’ S.A. Quality Management System’s basic document. Its assumptions are based on constant need to improve the Quality System and implement products with higher quality requirements. Achieving these requirements is a way and a method to strengthen the position of WSK ‘PZL – KALISZ; S.A. among the leading representatives of aviation business.
The following Certificates are the confirmation of the correct operation of implemented system.
Certificates for:
- Aircraft piston engines – type-certificate issued by European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), FEE, MAK, China and other national aviation authorities.
Quality Management Systems according to the following standards and regulations:
- ISO 9001 standards granted by Department of Quality and Management Systems in 1999
- AS 9100 standards granted by Bureau Veritas Certification in 2009
- Aviation regulations
- PART – 145 for aircraft engine repair awarded by Civil Aviation Office in 2000
- PART = 21”G” for aircraft engine production awarded by Civil Aviation Office in 2001
- PART – 21”B” for design process and aircraft engines certification management awarded by European Aviation Safety Agency in 2005
- Allied Quality Assurance Publication AQAP – 2110 concerning the NATO Quality assurance, granted by Department of Quality and Management Systems in 2002
- Special processes according to NADCAP program
- Aircraft piston engines – Type Certificates issued by the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), FEE, MAK, China and other national aviation authorities.
- Quality Management Systems according to the requirements of the following standards and regulations:
- ISO 9001 standard granted by the Department of Quality and Management Systems in 1999,
- AS 9100 standard awarded by Bureau Veritas Certyfication in 2009,
- aviation regulations:
- PART – 145 for the repair of aircraft engines awarded by the Civil Aviation Authority in 2000,
- PART – 21 “G” for the production of aircraft engines awarded by the Civil Aviation Authority in 2001,
- PART – 21 “B” for the management of the design and certification of aircraft engines awarded by the European Aviation Safety Agency in 2005,
- AQAP-2110 standardization publication on NATO quality assurance requirements, awarded by the Department of Quality and Management Systems in 2002,
- Special processes according to the NADCAP program.
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Quality Conditions – / DOWNLOAD /